Boys Will Be Boys
- October 12, 2014
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This past Sunday I was invited by our Pastor to help serve communion. The Pastor split the loaf and gave half to me to serve the congregation as they kneeled at the rail. As the bread was offered each member took a pinch of bread and a cup of wine.
Everything was going as planned until a pair of brothers decided to make it into a contest. The first reached into the middle and pulled out a piece of bread the size of a golf ball. Not to be outdone, his brother pulled out a piece the size of a baseball. They looked to see my reaction. All I could do was smile.
They seemed happy to get rid of the evidence as the Pastor invited them to eat the bread and drink the wine. Being dismissed they hurried back to their seats as I continued serving the rest of the congregation with a hallowed out loaf of bread.
No wonder Jesus said, “let the little children come to me.” (Matthew 19:14). I imagine there were times He got as big of a kick out of being around them as I did serving communion to them that morning.