The Prodigal One

Helping People Home

Been Down That Road

  • October 14, 2016
  • Blog
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Last week I wrote a blog titled “Still Free”. It was about the opportunity I was given to speak in Atlanta for the second year in a row. Last year when I was invited the devil began immediately attacking me but this year I never heard a peep.

I had a great trip. Those from Christian Library International who invited me have become like family to me. I have only known them for a minute but it feels like I have known them for a lifetime. During the trip the devil remained out of sight but not out of mind.

By the time Monday rolled around I figured the devil would show up, he usually does. Sunday is the Lord’s Day and my favorite day of the week but Monday’s are a struggle. I love the people I work for but don’t care for the job. The job itself is a constant reminder of the remnants of my sin. Mondays are always a good day for the devil to pay a visit, but when Monday came around there was still nothing.

By the time I woke up Tuesday morning I felt spiritually down in the dumps. More like down in the dumpster, because that morning I had some work bagging up piles of garbage. Garbage was all over and it smelled like a pig pen.

Then the devil attacked, “It looks like the prodigal son is back with the pigs where you belong.” The rest of the morning I was tormented with the feeling that I wasn’t any better off now than when I was released from prison and taunted that I may have opportunities to speak at various events like Atlanta, but I will always end up back with the pigs. Needless to say it was not a good morning.

On the way home I reminded myself that I have been down this road before and I knew I needed to get off of it. I needed to spend with the one I loved; I needed to spend time with God.

I began to read my Bible and instantly my mood changed. I followed Bible reading up by writing a blog, practicing my message for an upcoming event and ended in prayer. By the time I finished my spiritual tank was full, I was back on the right road and heading back to the top of the mountain.

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