- March 5, 2017
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An author is defined as, the writer of a literary work (such as a book). I have never claimed to be an author but based on the definition I guess I would qualify. This week I feel like I hit a milestone when I put my book on Amazon.
In 2014 when my book was first released I thought it would be an overnight best seller. I have learned a lot about God and even more about publishing over the last three years. I learned I don’t need a publisher or a PR person because God and His people are both.
Since the second release in 2016, generous donors have sent 100’s of books into prisons and rescue missions across the country. God has put the book in the hands of those who He felt needed it. People without hope.
People like those participating in the Spiritual Life Recovery Program in a Pennsylvania Rescue Mission. Chaplain Joshua Talarico helped me realize my calling when he wrote, “your book has impacted the lives of many of these men who often feel they have no hope.”
I still feel funny when someone refers to me as an author. Anyone who knew the old me would agree that writing a book would be impossible. The real credit goes to Jesus Christ the author and promoter of this book but more importantly the author and perfecter of our faith.