The Prodigal One

Helping People Home

All In

Commercials promote Las Vegas promising, “What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.” The Bible tells us, “When you sin against the Lord you may be sure that your sin will find you out.” Who are you going to believe? Years ago I may have found some truth in the Vegas advertisement. But now I know the truth. To be more specific I know the way the truth and the life.

This past Thursday marked the 5th year anniversary of my incarceration in the county jail. My business was booming I thought I had hit the jackpot. Somehow I thought God was going to let me escape the punishment of my sin. I have learned that God does not condone sin and certainly would never cover it up. Now I know the truth and as they say, the truth has set me free.

Another popular saying heard in Vegas is “All in.” When a person has a good hand they push all their chips into the pot and declare that they are “All in.” They either win or go home.

Five years ago I sat in a jail cell and told God that I was all in. I was going to try to the best of my ability to live the life God had planned for me. This was the best bet I have ever made.

Instead of winning chips I won the opportunity to share my story, be a part of some wonderful ministries and build relationships that will last a lifetime. I still have many regrets over my poor choices. But over the past five years led by the Spirit I have made many good ones, the best one being the day I told God, “I was all in.”

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