The Prodigal One

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Able to Sit Up

  • March 18, 2018
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When asked how my dad was doing, one of his favorite replies was, “Able to sit up and take nourishment.” I used my dad’s reply the other day which led me to spend most of the night thinking about him.

My dad was a good Christian man strong in his faith. In the words of the late Billy Graham you may have heard my dad has died but don’t believe a word of it. My dad is more alive than ever he has just changed his address.

Heaven and the coming of Jesus have been referred to as the Great Banquet or Wedding Feast. There is nothing my dad liked better than a feast.

As we approach Easter Sunday I am so grateful for the empty cross and the assurance my dad is alive and well. I look forward to one day joining him at the table where we both will be, “Able to sit up and take nourishment.”

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