The Prodigal One

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A Year In Review 2016

  • January 1, 2017
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I would like to take this opportunity to Praise God for the opportunities he has given me to share our story over the past year.

In 2016 God let me speak at over 20 events including Atlanta at Christian Library International’s Advance the Light dinner and Chicago at author Manny Mill’s Radical Timeout Experience.

Along with the speaking engagements I was invited to join the board of Disciple Bible Outreach Ministry of Illinois and attend (and be part of) the Berean Prison Ministry and Release Through Jesus Ministry fall fundraisers.

I was also asked to be a guest blogger for the Progressive Prison Project.

Through generous donations 135 copies of our book “Therefore I Have Hope” were sent into prisons across the country and another 40 to the participants of the Celebrate Recovery program at a Rescue Mission in York, Pennsylvania.

The highlight of the year though, was going back to prison. God allowed me to speak at three services in the Peoria County Jail the Sunday after Thanksgiving. I am excited to see where God leads me in 2017. I don’t know what doors God will open but I know I will follow. May God bless you as much as you have blessed my family and me. Happy New Year and whatever you do, do all for the glory of God.

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