The Prodigal One

Helping People Home

A Blast From The Past

  • September 18, 2017
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Earlier this week, I was having a spiritually difficult morning that is, until my phone rang. It was a Texas number, so I thought it was a solicitor but decided to answer it anyway.

The voice on the other end was one of my favorite teachers: Mrs. G. Not only was she my kindergarten teacher, but we both attended the same church in my hometown of Ottawa, Illinois. I hadn’t heard her voice for years, but it still sounded the same.

Mrs. G was calling to tell me that she would be back in Ottawa on the weekend I was speaking at our old church and was looking forward to attending the service.

Mrs. G may have been a great kindergarten teacher, but she is an even greater witness for Jesus Christ. I would like to take this opportunity to publicly thank Mrs. G for lifting me up, making my day, and giving me an awesome blast from the past.

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