The Old Man Is Dead

Posted In: Blog

Last month when I preached at the county jail the Chaplain sang the song The Old Man is Dead.

The lyrics are:

“Now and then an old friend of mine, I’ve not seen for some time,
Will stop by and ask me where I been, What’s on my mind.
They wonder why I’m not drinkin’,And still painting this old town red.
I tell them I’m serving Jesus now, And the old man is dead

And the man you see before you, May look a lot the same,
I may wear the same clothes, And have the same old name.
But you’re looking’ on the outside, If you could see inside instead,
You would see a brand new man, Cause the old man is dead.

The Apostle Paul assures us, ”Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come:[a] The old has gone, the new is here!” (2 Corinthians 5:17)

At the end of the service a young man facing a lengthy sentence told me, “I am going to disciple a lot of people while I am in prison.” He may have been wearing an orange jumpsuit on the outside but I could see on the inside a brand new man, because the old man was dead.