Please and Thank You

The other morning I thought I would stop in at the local donut shop and pick up a large coffee to drop off to my wife Julie at work. The lady ordering before me was still talking on her cell phone when it came time to place her order. With a cheerful tone the young…

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The First Haircut

After 40 months of working on my story it finally came together and was going to be offered to the members of our congregation. I was also going to have the honor of giving the message during the Sunday services. As one can imagine I had a flood of emotions leading up to it. I…

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Beyond the Pigs

This weeks post is based on the Parable Jesus told of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-31). To paraphrase, a son asked his father for his portion of his inheritance while the father was still living. The father obliged and the son left the country and spent his inheritance on wild living. Things got bad enough…

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